Mandatory reporting: Self, colleagues and the national law

CPD hours:

This module discusses the obligations to report certain conduct pursuant to the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009 (the National Law).

Anyone registered with one of the 15 National Boards is bound by the legislation. Employers and education providers are also bound by the legislation. Whilst students of one of the professions are not mandatory reporters under the legislation, their conduct may be the subject of a mandatory report.

The legislation requires that particular conduct be reported where the public is placed at risk of harm. The focus of the requirement is the protection of the public. Each state and territory has enacted enabling legislation consistent with the National Law.

This module is appropriate for all registered practitioners. It is applicable to , educators and managers and those responsible for conducting investigations or auditing registered healthcare practitioners.

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At the end of this module participants will be able to:

  • Know who is a mandatory reporter for the purpose of the National Law.
  • Understand what constitutes notifiable conduct.
  • Understand what the threshold for making a report is.
  • Understand the circumstances in which a person is required to make a report in respect to a colleague.
  • Understand the circumstances in which a person is required to make a report in respect to self.
  • Know what the range of sanctions that Boards have when a registered professional is found to have placed the public at risk of harm.

At the end of this module participants will be able to:

  • This is learning objective 1.
  • This is learning objective 2.
  • This is learning objective 3.
  • This is learning objective 4.
  • This is learning objective 5.
  • This is learning objective 6.

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